Wednesday, May 25, 2011

During the 19th century become fashionable to marry a white dress if they could afford

During the 19th century become fashionable to marry a white dress if they could afford. Until the 19th century it was normal to marry in a better bridesmaid dresses unless it was a costume dance. A party dress was different from a wedding dress. A wedding dress usually had long necks and long sleeves. Even if they were white clothes can be used later as dinner prom dresses or dresses for a visit.

Usually, the evening dress were beautifully decorated by hand with pieces of cloth or lace, ribbon, rope, ruffles and bows on the skirt carefully arranged. In the 19th century garrison was almost exclusively on the slope below, meanwhile, and in the age 20 only in size. The garrison was the most important in the clothes of 19 century and entirely typical of the era. Also, hat accessories, gloves, umbrellas was fashionable. Until the early 19 th century brides choose wedding dress with a variety of colors, but after Queen Victoria wore a white dress for her wedding in 1840 to become fashionable to choose this color for the wedding dress.




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